January 10, 2023 yoursparkmedia
Top 5 Social Media Trends for 2023


The world of social media is constantly evolving, and as a business, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in order to effectively reach and engage with your audience.

In this post, we explore five key trends that are set to shape the social media landscape in 2023.

Key Information

  • Live streaming is a popular and effective way for people to connect with their audience and share their experiences and expertise.
  • Short-form videos, such as those on TikTok and Instagram Reels, are a great way to engage and build anticipation with your audience.
  • Brand storytelling is a powerful way to connect with customers, and community-driven content is particularly effective.
  • The use of extended reality (AR/VR) technologies is on the rise in a variety of industries, and offers many potential applications for businesses.
  • Personalised and interactive content, such as quizzes and polls, can help businesses better understand and connect with their audience.

Social Media Trends for 2023

As the world becomes more connected through social media, businesses have the opportunity to reach and engage with their audience like never before.

However, with so much content available, it can be difficult to stand out and effectively get your message across.

That’s where these five trends come in – by staying on top of these trends, you can ensure that your social media strategy is relevant and effective.

Trend #1

Unleashing the Power of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize social media in 2023. While AI has yet to live up to the hype in other areas such as robotics and digital assistants, it could be a game-changer in the world of social media.

One example of this is ChatGPT, a tool that can help social media managers write captions for posts. In the future, AI could be used to schedule posts, choose the best images and apps to use, and even analyze analytics, freeing up social media managers to focus on other tasks.

In recent years, AI has often been disappointing, such as with Amazon’s Alexa failing to deliver any significant revenue or the dream of autonomous vehicles stalling out. Even the Google Assistant, which has been seen as a promising voicebot, has yet to reach the level of capabilities that some had hoped for.

However, AI could have more practical applications in social media, where it could be used to improve the user experience by providing personalized recommendations and filtering out spam and inappropriate content.

To be successful in social media for business purposes, it is important to maintain a consistent posting schedule and use high-quality images with engaging captions. AI could potentially help with these tasks by scheduling posts at the best times and choosing the most effective images and captions.

In this way, businesses could build up an audience, expose people to their brand, and eventually gain new customers.

Overall, while AI has not yet lived up to its full potential in other areas, it has the potential to greatly enhance the use of social media for businesses in 2023.

Trend #2

Live Streaming: The Future of Connecting with Your Audience

Live video, or the real-time broadcasting of video content over the internet, has become a popular and effective way for people and businesses to connect with their audience and share their experiences, thoughts, and expertise.

Live video has gained popularity on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, which all offer live streaming capabilities. Many social media users enjoy live video because it allows them to feel more connected to the content and the person creating it.

For businesses, live video can be a powerful tool for building trust and engagement with their audience. It allows companies to showcase their products or services in a more authentic and engaging way, as the live nature of the content makes it feel more relatable and genuine.

Live video can also be used for things like live demonstrations, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of operations, which can help to further connect with the audience and give them a better understanding of the company and its offerings.

In addition to its potential for building trust and engagement, live video can also be a useful tool for driving traffic and sales. Live video can be used to announce new products or promotions, which can help to generate buzz and drive interest.

It can also be used to offer exclusive discounts or promotions to viewers, which can encourage them to make a purchase.

In 2023, live video is expected to continue growing in popularity due to the increased availability of high-quality streaming technology and the rise of 5G networks.

These advancements will make it even easier for people to access and watch live video content, making it an even more appealing option for businesses looking to connect with their audience and drive traffic and sales.

Trend #3

The Power of Short-Form Content: Maximising the Impact of Video in Modern Marketing

Short form content, or videos that are shorter in duration, has become a popular trend on social media platforms.

The definition of “short” can vary depending on the platform, with Facebook considering videos of up to 3 minutes to be short form, while YouTube considers 5-10 minute videos to be short form, and TikTok considers 15 seconds to 2 minutes to be short form.

One reason for the popularity of short form content is that people are increasingly short on time and are more likely to watch a business video that is under one minute in duration.

In fact, about 93% of businesses have acquired customers through short form social media videos, and people are twice as likely to share videos compared to other online content.

This has led to an increased investment in short form videos by marketers, with 51% of those who used short form videos in the previous year planning to invest more in this medium, and 38% planning to invest the same amount.

Some of the current trends in short form videos include explainer videos, behind-the-brand videos, product teasers, user-generated content, and influencer marketing.

Explainer videos are useful for providing practical solutions and can be in the form of how-to guides or educational videos on relevant topics. Behind-the-brand videos give a glimpse into the working mechanism and office environment of a company and can help to build a sense of authenticity and connection with the audience.

Product teasers can be used to generate anticipation around a brand or product, and are best suited for platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

User-generated content, such as product reviews and testimonials, is trusted by consumers more than other marketing videos and can help to build a sense of community around a brand. Influencer marketing, or the use of social media influencers to promote a brand or product, is also a popular trend and can be used to tap into the audience of an influencer and increase brand awareness.

In 2023, it is expected that short form content will continue to be a popular trend on social media platforms due to its effectiveness in capturing the attention of a busy audience and its ability to drive traffic and sales.

As technology and networks continue to improve, it will become even easier for businesses to create and share short form videos, making it a valuable tool for marketing and engaging with their audience.

Trend #4

Authentic Brand Storytelling: Building a Community-Driven Narrative in 2023

As consumers become increasingly savvy and discerning, it is important for brands to be authentic and relatable in order to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

One way to achieve this is through the use of community-driven content that evokes an emotional response and helps customers understand how a product or service can directly benefit them.

In 2023, it is expected that brand storytelling will continue to be an important trend, with consumers seeking out content that is authentic, relatable, and tells a cohesive brand story across various channels.

Brands can use a variety of mediums, including social media, emails, and podcasts, to share their stories and connect with their audience.

To create effective brand storytelling in 2023, there are a few key elements to consider.

First, it is important to be authentic and share user-generated content that demonstrates appreciation for the brand community and shows potential customers how the product can benefit them.

Brands can also actively learn about their customers through social listening and identify potential advocates or brand ambassadors for future storytelling campaigns.

Finally, it is important to focus on creating compelling and shareable content that resonates with the target audience and sticks in their memory.

Some specific tactics that brands can use to create effective brand storytelling in 2023 include using immersive and interactive content, leveraging the power of customer testimonials and reviews, and creating a sense of community through social media and other channels.

Brands can also use data and analytics to track the success of their storytelling campaigns and make adjustments as needed. By following these best practices, brands can effectively connect with their audience and build brand loyalty.

Trend #5

The Rise of Extended Reality: Understanding the Impact of AR/VR Technology

Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technologies have seen significant growth in recent years, with the AR/VR market is expected to grow to $50.9 billion in 2026.

This technology is already being used in a variety of industries, including healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and oil and gas.

One area where AR/VR technology is likely to continue growing is social media marketing.

Brands are always looking for new and innovative ways to engage with their audience, and AR/VR provides a unique and immersive experience that can help brands stand out in a crowded online landscape.

One way that AR/VR could be used for social media marketing is through the creation of virtual reality experiences or “virtual events” that allow customers to “attend” events or experiences without physically being there.

This could include virtual tours of a product or service, virtual product demonstrations, or even virtual concerts or other live events.

Another possibility is the use of AR technology to create interactive social media content.

For example, a brand could create an AR filter or lens that allows users to “try on” a product or see how it would look in their own environment.

This could be especially effective for fashion and beauty brands, but could also be used by other industries to show how a product might be used in real life.

In addition to creating immersive experiences for customers, AR/VR technology could also be used to help brands better understand and connect with their audience.

For example, social media platforms could use AR/VR technology to create more realistic and personalised avatars for users, or to gather more detailed data about how users interact with content.

This could allow brands to create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Overall, the future of AR/VR in social media marketing looks bright. As this technology continues to advance and become more accessible, it is likely to be adopted by more and more brands looking to create engaging and immersive experiences for their customers.


Trend 1: Personalisation will continue to be a key focus for businesses in 2023, as consumers expect tailored experiences and personalised recommendations. Businesses can use data and machine learning to personalise their marketing efforts, and should consider offering personalised options for products and services.

Trend 2: Live streaming will continue to grow in popularity in 2023, as it allows businesses to connect with their audience in a more authentic and engaging way. The increased availability of high-quality streaming technology and the rise of 5G networks will make live streaming even more popular in the future.

Trend 3: Short-form videos will continue to be a popular and effective marketing tool in 2023, with more brands using explainer videos, behind-the-brand videos, product teasers, user-generated content, and influencer marketing to reach their audience. Short-form videos are particularly effective on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, and are more likely to be trusted and shared by consumers.

Trend 4: Community-driven brand storytelling will be important in 2023, as consumers want content that is authentic, relatable, and empathetic. Brands should consider using user-generated content and actively learning about their customers to create marketing campaigns that resonates with their audience.

Trend 5: Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies will continue to grow and expand in 2023, with more businesses using AR/VR for healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and oil and gas applications. The metaverse and AI will also become more closely entwined, and AR navigation will become more popular. Widespread mass-market adoption of AR/VR technologies will also likely occur in the future.


It’s clear that 2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year for social media marketing with the rise of various trends that focus on personalisation, connection, and authenticity.

From the growth of artificial intelligence and live video, to the popularity of short-form content and the importance of brand authenticity and storytelling, there is no shortage of opportunities for businesses to engage and connect with their audience on social media.

Additionally, the increasing use of augmented and virtual reality technology in a variety of industries is set to change the way we interact with the digital world.

As these trends continue to evolve, it’s important for businesses to stay up-to-date and consider how they can incorporate them into their social media marketing strategy in order to stay competitive in the constantly changing digital landscape.

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